Is anyone else as confused as I am about what modern technologies and medicines are okay and what are harmful? I am all about buying organic, it's my dream to have a baby without all the drugs and would even love to have a home birth. But when it comes to vaccinations, medications and homeopathic stuff I get all confused. On one hand, I believe Americans are probably way overmedicated but on the other hand, I believe a lot of great things have come from modern medicine and that God had to have given men the wisdom for those things. For example: I have Graves disease. There is no modern cure for Graves disease. 100 years ago I would have died from this disease. Even now, the only help is to treat the symptoms. The main symptom for Graves is an overactive thyroid. This is what causes most problems for people with Graves and even can cause death. The treatment options given to me were surgery to remove all or most of my thyroid, taking thyroid medicine for a year in hopes that it would not come back after I quit taking it, or Radioactive Iodine to "nuke" my thyroid. My dad had the Radioactive Iodine so I was leaning more towards this than any other. Especially since this treatment also seemed to have fewer risks and was the least invasive. But, during this time I also had a few other influences that were pleading for me to not do the RI and to instead seek a natural means of treatment. It took me almost 3 years to make a decision of which choice to make. It was a hard decision. During this time I was able to talk briefly with a Naturopath about natural treatments in which she told me there were absolutely NO natural remedies for my condition. So, I chose the Radioactive Iodine. It did its job and 6 years later I have absolutely no regrets (and no thyroid!). I will take Synthroid (thyroid replacement in pill form) for the rest of my life, but I feel better than I have since I was a kid. So, my point in this very long and drawn out story is that in my case modern medicine was really my only option (although my grandmother-in-law's naturopath seems to think that he could have helped me), I am overall very pleased with the results and I would do it again today if I had to. So, my experience with modern medicine was a good one. But, then you hear stories of how modern medicine was not so good to someone else, or how much better someone has done with natural treatments. Last year I started hearing a lot about how vaccinations were not all necessary anymore and how there were studies showing a link between vaccinations and Autism and Asperger's Syndrom. I started researching it online and found just as much for them as I did against them. It was like a perfect split in half! I was so confused! Thankfully ( I guess), since my children are (until November 1!) wards of the state, I have no right to decide if they get vaccinated or not. I was a little nervous when Anna got her 18 mo shot because I had heard a lot about Autism showing up after vaccinations at this age. I asked her dr about it and, of course, he didn't think they were linked and said he thought it had more to do with the fact that 18 months is when you start to see developmental delays. Some of it for me is also laziness. Anna has an ear infection right now and I have heard that there are natural remedies for this, but it's so much easier to just give her the antibiotic (even though getting it down her throat twice a day is a battle) than to research what my options are and go the homeopathic route. I have heard the argument that pharmaceuticals is a big $$ industry and the reason dr's push drugs instead of natural remedies is the money the industry makes off of us "suckers". Since a very good friend of mine is a doctor, I feel like I should defend them and say that most of them really do want to help their patients and wouldn't just throw them to the wolves to line their pockets.
My point in all this rambling is that I don't know what to believe. Right now I am somewhere in between. I will choose healthy foods for my children, including organic when necessary, and choose the natural route when I know its available (as long as its easy, of course). I choose to not be afraid of vaccinations for my children (although I am still leery of the flu shot) since they have had them up to now and seem to be healthy and developmentally on target so far. I respect my friends that choose the homeopathic route and I respect my friends that are all about modern medicine. I am happy to be in the middle for now and believe that God will give me direction when I need it. I feel like there is a lot more I could say about this, but at the moment Anna is trying to go "poopoo" on the big potty by herself and trying to put on Michelle's panties so I better go before she falls in the toilet!
i know how you feel, the way that i've found peace is to recognize that there are pros and cons to both and most importantly - i have to take my questions to God and let him direct me as to what to use and when. sometimes i've gone with modern meds and other times i felt natural was better. i just had to learn to trust his direction only and not be swayed or guilted into things by friends and family. they always mean well, but sometimes the convictions that God has given them aren't the same convictions he's given me. :o)
ReplyDeleteYou know me, the naturalist :)
ReplyDeleteBut I think I am very balanced in my approach to medicine. Here are some links for you...
This is a great book for trying to untwist all the hype about vaccines out there. I will warn you, it will NOT tell you what to do. It only is VERY in depth information on all the vaccines, how they are made, what is in them, and what variations between brands there are. An excellent resource if you want an unbiased view.
This is a link to a D.O. as opposed to an M.D. DOs go to medical school but focus more on how to help they body heal itself and how to treat the underlying issue, not just the symptoms. We have been taking Zaine to one for a couple of years and have seen a huge improvement in the allergies and asthma, he is actually off all steroids now! Another plus is they are usually on insurance plans and can also prescribe medications if needed.
Hope this helps. The DO would be good for the ear infections. Ours showed me some exercises I could do at home with the kids. They do work. Love you!!!